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of materials of the conference "Artificial Intelligence"
supported by the Council of international research and changes IREX.
Grant IATP-UA-01-09.

Conference "Artificial Intelligence - 2000"

[ plenary meeting ]
[ section 1 ]
[ section 2 ]
[ section 3 ]

In 2000 the first international conference "Artificial Intelligence-2000" was held in Ukraine (Katsiveli, Crimea). The conference confirmed the working definitions of the intelligence and of the artificial intelligence. Here they are:


In sunny, beautiful Katsiveli, in Ukrainian Crimea the first international conference "Artificial Intelligence-2000" was organized in September, 11-16. Silence and the primeval nature made their beneficial influence upon the atmosphere of the conference, promoted the fruitful work of the scientists, their rest and creative contacts.

The first international conference "Artificial Intelligence-2000" is the international forum of the scientists who are specialised in the fields of mathematical cybernetics, theoretical informatics, computer engineering. It was directed on the exchange of the scientific experience, ideas and the methods of intelligent tasks solving.

One of the most important aims of the conference was the conducting of the meeting of the scientists from the different organizations connected with the solving of the intelligent tasks of the economy, ecology, regional direction and some other tasks that needed the usage of the computer methods of the intellectualization of the information processing. The next very important task was the discussion of the fundamental principles of the scientific knowledge formation in such difficult systems like the man with his boundless opportunities of intellectual activity.

At the conference the exhibition was opened where the computer programs, intelligent games, computer intelligent systems, electronic text-books and the examples of the robots in action were represented to the participants of the conference.


The First International scientific and practical conference "Artificial Intelligence - 2000 " went from September 11 till September 16, 2000 in Katsiveli, Crimea, Ukraine. It was organised under the initiative of Donetsk State Institute of Artificial Intelligence (A.I. Shevchenko, the head of the Institute), National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Informatics Department of NAS of Ukraine, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Scientific Research Institute of multiprocessor computing systems (I.A. Kalyaev, director) with the participation of Taganrog State Radio Engineering University of Ministry of Industry, Science and Technologies and Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). The conference went in the form of plenary, sectional meetings and discussions. Simultaneously with the work of the conference there was an exhibition of achievements in the field of soft-, hardware means of intelligent computer technologies and robotic systems building.

More than 100 well–known scientists all over the world took part in the conference: Vsevolod S. Burtsev, the academician of RAS, adviser of Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Anatoly V. Kalyaev, the academician of RAS, adviser of Scientific Research Institute of multiprocessor computing systems of Taganrog State Radio Engineering University; Vitaliy A. Lopota, corresponding member of RAS, the Russian President Adviser, director of Central Scientific Research Institute of Robotics and Engineering Cybernetics; Anatoliy I. Shevchenko, D.Sc., the head of Donetsk State Institute of Artificial Intelligence; Igor A. Kalyaev, D.Sc., the head of Scientific Research Institute of multiprocessor computing systems of Taganrog State Radio Engineering University; Dimitr Petrov Shishkov, the professor of Sofia University (Bulgaria); Alexander L. Kemurdgian, one of the creators of the Lunar Rover, D.Sc., Russian Scientific Research Institute of Transport Machine Building Industry; Vitaly Pheodosiyevich Bardachenko, the doctor of engineering science, head of timing computing systems Centre of Institute of Cybernetics named after V.M. Glushkov NAS of Ukraine; the cohort of the world famous scientists, post-graduate students, young scientists, students, introducing scientific organizations and University centres of Ukraine, Russia, Bulgaria, Georgia, who have given interesting reports and workings during the conference.

On the plenary and sectional meetings of the conference 52 reports were heard, the numerous problems and questions as to the state and perspectives of modern development of computer technologies of high level intellectuality were affected.

Subject matter covered by working sections:

While discussing "Problem of artificial intelligence and artificial consciousness " the conceptual problems of artificial intelligence forming were discussed, the wide discussion of such definitions as "intellect", "artificial intelligence", "consciousness", "artificial consciousness" was highlighted.

The conference has passed at high activity and the large interest of the participants.

The salutatory letters with wishes of fruitful work have arrived to the conference address from Administration of the President of Ukraine, from Nickolay Grigoryevich Zhulinsky, Vice-premier of the minister of Ukraine, Boris Evgenyevich Paton, President of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, from Yaroslav Stepanovich Yatskiv, chief deputy of the Minister of Education and Science. The conference was highlighted by the representatives of numerous mass media: the journalists, correspondents of the newspapers and journals. The works and other materials of the conference were previously issued in the form of the theses and express issue of the International journal "Artificial Intelligence" (No.3'2000).

It was stated the following:

  1. The investigations and elaboration in the field of artificial intelligence, intelligent systems and computer technologies are actual and define, to a great extent, the main direction of modern world scientific progress.
  2. The wide experience and considerable volume of theoretical and applied researches are accumulated in Russian Federation, Ukraine, Georgia, and Bulgaria, there is a makeup of the competent scientists and specialists. Involving them at the scientific investigations one is possible to progress essentially ahead and to eliminate the lagging behind in the technological attitude from the other countries.
  3. One should pay attention to building of a new conceptual base of intelligent means, new generations of informational systems and robotics having engineering audition, vision, the possibilities of image recognition, wide physical possibilities of movements.
  4. It is necessary to perfect the terminological and conceptual device of scientific investigations, connected with building of artificial intelligence;
  5. Modern mathematical basis of investigations and the available theoretical workings allow to create in the near future the modern means of high-parallel computing structures that are better than the foreign analogies according to their parameters.
  6. The special attention should be paid to more intensive development of investigations and elaboration in the field of computer linguistics and computer technologies, connected with natural language dialogue of the man and machine within the framework of the International project "Computerization of natural languages".
The participants of the conference have made the decision:
  1. To go on doing researches in the field of informational computer equipment and technologies of the intelligent level and periodically within the framework of the mutual arrangements to exchange the reached experience and results of investigations at the conferences, workshops, seminars.
  2. To accept the conception of the artificial intelligence forming on the base of artificial consciousness creation.
  3. To take as working ones the following definitions:
    • Intelligence is an aggregate of universal procedures that allows to build the concrete algorithms of the solution of individual creative problems at the conscious level.
    • Intelligence is an algorithm of the problem solving formed by the consciousness.
    • "Artificial intelligence" is an algorithm of the problem solving formed by the artificial consciousness.
  4. To prolong the discussion within the framework of these definitions in Internet.
  5. To address to national academies and national ministries of science of the countries that are the participants of the conference with the offer to elaborate the express program of the investigations of urgent questions of problem of the conference "Artificial Intelligence – 2000'' for representation in higher instances with the purpose of probable financing them as the important national investigations and workings.
  6. To bring the suggestion for National Ministries of Education of the countries that took part in the conference to arrange the perfection of the existing educational programs, connected with intelligent information technologies, intelligent information means and systems, intelligent robotic means and systems, means of modern computer facilities and artificial intelligence.
  7. To found the bonus to the young scientists for the best report on the problem of artificial intelligence with delivery it during "Artificial intelligence" conferences holding.
  8. Taking under consideration the state relevance of scientific investigations in the field of the artificial intelligence and the experience obtained at holding of the first International conference "Artificial Intelligence - 2000 " to conduct the conference each year in turn in Ukraine and in Russia. The second International conference " Artificial Intelligence - 2001 " will be conducted in September 2001 in Gelendgik (Russian Federation).
The chairmen of conference:
Ukrainian side: A.I. Shevchenko, M. Sc.
  L. A. Koveshnikov, candidate of technical science.
The academic secretary I.S. Salnikov, candidate of technical science.
Russian side: I.A. Kalyaev, M. Sc.
The academic secretary A.P. Kuharenko, candidate of technical science.
Programme committee: V.S. Burtsev, acad. of RAS
  A.V. Kalyaev, acad. of RAS